el mundo sucio

el mundo sucio

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New "Seppuku" demo piracy links

WAV: http://www.mediafire.com/?acbpmld2d1d6dem
MP3: http://www.mediafire.com/?wo636w386p6820a

Why? Why? Why? But why? I just noticed vocal tracks for 2 of the songs weren't exactly aligned properly when mixed. This was fixed due to boredom. Yea, we cheated and recorded vocals separately from instruments instead of doin it 100% live (we sound better live anyway, if you can wrap your head around that...). Strangely enough, I can't seem to do vocals as well without playing the guitar.

Oh, and we recorded digital because we can't afford analog studio time. So sue us, you self-proclaimed "old school" ass-snobs, who are all probably also into labels that like limiting their fuckin releases to 17 copies each so they can screw some die hard fan into paying $73 for a piece of polyvinyl chloride that only costs a fraction of a penny to make, only to press another run of the same release, just in a different color with a shitty sounding unmixed version of one track from the original release added as a bonus, now "limited" to only 3 copies so they can fuck the same guy over by actually printing 9 extra copies and selling them on eBay for $1,637 each, falsely claiming that they were "1 of the only 3 people who got their hands on the 'ultra rare' release," but only after they've already screwed over 3 other guys into buying the first 3 copies of the re-release for $247 each. Anyway, this was the only way to record with our "budget." It beats recording videos with a digital photo camera and ripping the sound tracks off the .mov's like we used to do. Bite it, you scum. Go to Amigo Fest.

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